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    Success! Germany’s Last Fur Farm Has Closed
    Success! Care2 Petitions Convince Amtrak to Install Lactation Pods at 5 Train Stations
    Success! Starbucks Will Stop Using Plastic Straws by 2025
    Care2 Members Push Netflix to Address ‘The Crown’ Gender Pay Gap Controversy
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    Success! This 79-Year-Old Grandmother Won’t Be Kicked Out of the UK
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    Meet Xiuhtezcatl Martinez
    Climate Activist, Hip-Hop Artist & Leader of Earth Guardians
    "Through Care2, I’ve been able to build a movement of people who are energized and committed to defending our planet."
    Meet Whitney Clapper
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    "Care2 helped us drive over 94,000 signatures on our petition to defend the Arctic. The staff mobilized supporters, creating impact that resonates."
    Meet Ani DiFranco
    Activist & Artist
    "Care2 provides tools for people to become change-makers, to go from caring about something in this world to doing something about it. Care2 helps me spread the message to my fans that we actually do have the power to shape society. There are paths and we can lead each other down them."
    Meet Dane Grams
    Membership Director, Human Rights Campaign
    "Care2 was able to provide us with the perfect platform to be able to communicate our message and to engage new voices in our support."


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